
Welcome to our Community Garden website. We invite you to become a member of the South Coast Community Garden Association to help our local group of community gardens. SCCGA is a 501(c)3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. All the gardens are run on donations and volunteer help. Thanks!

 SCCGA Membership App 2024 

Please visit our community gardens throughout the county. Explore them by using the links above. If you are interested in a garden plot in our community gardens, and for information on downloading the application documents, go to the Application page link above. The applications are available for downloading for Lady Bug Landing after January 3rd and other gardens February 1st for the 2024 season. You must also be a member of the South Coast Community Garden Association (SCCGA) to garden at all of our community gardens.

Plots are available on a First Come, First Serve basis. Applications can be downloaded here or:
Jan 3: Lady Bug Landing (at LBL garden Anderson entrance, McKay’s), Feb 1: Lakeside Harmony Garden (Lakeside City Hall). Coquille Harvest Moon Garden (the Application Box on the Harvest Moon Garden Gate, Coquille Library, Bandon’s Good Earth Garden (at Plants 101, the Good Earth 
Garden box by 8th Ct gate)

We are now on Facebook, South Coast Community Garden Association; check us out and ‘Like’ us. 

South Coast Community Garden Association (SCCGA) was established in 2005 and is a non-profit Oregon Corporation. Its purpose is to provide community education about gardening, growing of foods and to provide and manage a place for individuals in the community to grow food for personal use.

Our goal is to create a regional community coalition to build community gardens, and to support the gardens with leadership and education. The gardens have support in volunteer labor, donations and funding grants. SCCGA membership is open to the public. Members are eligible to apply for a community garden plot for each garden season. Dues and garden fees are nominal and waivers for garden fees can be requested for those who need them. Member gardeners, the community, and visitors enjoy the gardens throughout the year.

Garden Coordinators provide on-site mentoring and public educational programs.

2024 Applications for a garden bed at Lady Bug Landing are available after January 3rd,applications for the other gardens are available February 1st. After those dates, you can go to the Applications page above. You must print out a Membership form to become a member of SCCGA and an Applications to Garden form and mail them in with the required fees Please. Each member gardening needs to pay a membership fee, in addition to the garden plot fee. Thanks

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